Don’t Be Petless ~
find your furry soulmate today!
It’s scientifically proven that pets make us healthier and happier
And yet over half of Los Angelenos are petless. That’s over a 4.4 million people without a dog for a best friend, or a cat to come home to at the end of the day.
And that simply won’t do. Los Angeles has more than enough pets to go around. Why should anyone be denied a richer, more fulfilling life, when his or her soulmate is out there, just waiting to come home?
That’s why, at Saving Grace LA, we are committed to ending petlessness. Because once every man, woman, and child has a pet, the world will most definitely be a better place.
Visit our Website at or contact us at to find you new pet.
Visit our Website at or contact us at to find you new pet.