Monday, June 6, 2011


As the cat palace gets better and better, the accumulated stress of simply being there is starting to take a toll on some of our favorite fuzzies, and so, we'd like to devote this week to finding some loving foster homes for the following cats:

BLUE +1: Dear tiny Blue is still suffering from a very bad flu and needs relief! Her gingivitis makes it hard for her to eat, so she needs many special baby food feedings, plus antibiotics 2x/day. She's spent most of her 3 years in that garage, and is just barely surviving. She is an affectionate, and bold yet gentle little being, and would definitely need a companion to accompany her, lest she become further stressed by loneliness. The vet said she needs to get into a quieter home in order to heal. Anyone know of one for her? UPDATE: huge thanks to Mark for attempting to foster - she was just too scared and sick. She is now at the vet getting IV fluids and more tests. Brave Blue was sicker than we thought. UPDATE Blue spent some time at the vet, and her prognosis is good! Mark took him home to his spare bedroom, where one of her buddies, Tulip, also now resides, and all is well in the land of Blue's World. THANK YOU MARK!

ALDO of the Shelves: Cats, like all social animals, have a pecking order. And sweet tuxedo ALDO, is, for reasons known only to the cats, at the very bottom of it. Willoughby, Snout, Kirk and Spock, Orsino, Bagheera, King Brian, Sebastian and George (especially George, lately), all beat up on the poor fella. Bunch of copy cats. So Aldo cowers in the shelves and does his business there. But if he were to be taken into a nice, quiet home, and transitioned from the shelves to a space he could call his own, he'd be the most grateful, happy cat! UPDATE After the latest wilding, we took Aldo outta there.  Ann & Gene's friend, Rita, a bit of a cat whisperer, descended from heaven and took him in. After just a week, Rita texted us: "We are going to keep him. We Love Him!!" and thus begins "Big Al"'s new life with some great humans and a silly chihuahua!  Awright Aldo!

PERRY: After Aldo, Perry is the most frustrated cat in the joint. He's not interested in going outside, he just wants OUT. His cat-brilliance is evident in every passing moment - nothing gets by him! - and he is bored to tears, and a bit cranky. If he could dream, (maybe he can) he'd dream of hanging out with a nice companion in a big home and being a most excellent indoor cat-bro there.

1 comment:

  1. Hey is there a # for Nelia. I will take Blue tommorrow if possible, Ill also take on another depending on the situation. I already have two at home, very friendly felines.

    My contact is 310-703-9884
    Mark Normand
